“A Provocation, Pure & Simple” w/ new dance works by Loa Olafson & Rachelle Bourget

  • Date:
  • Venue:
    Winnipeg’s Contemporary Dancers’ Rachel Browne Theatre | Google Map
    204-211 Bannatyne Avenue
    Winnipeg, Manitoba
Tickets $15 regular / $10 students & seniors

Saga Sigurðardóttir performs a work created in collaboration with director Anat Eisenberg. A Provocation, Pure And Simple observes iconic images that are common to us – we experience them in different platforms of digital media where our physical response is submitted to “wipes” and “fades.” Theater will now re-appropriate its audience from the subtle and overbearing grip of corporate filtered media. Additionally, we will see new works by emerging choreographers of Canadian/Icelandic decent Loa Olafson and Rachelle Bourget, specially commissioned for Núna (now) 2011.

Advance tickets for Winnipeg shows available at: Into The Music and Kustom Kulture