Christopher Crocker


Christopher Crocker holds and MA degree in Icelandic language and literature from the University of Manitoba (2011) and is currently a PhD candidate at the University of Iceland. He was born in Newfoundland, Canada. He is also an active translator and together with Elin Thordarson recently completed an English translation of Guttormur J. Guttormsson’s Tíu leikrit (Ten Plays), which appeared in print through KIND Publishing in February 2015.

Guttormur J. Guttormsson. Ten Plays─Tíu leikrit. Translated by Elin Thordarson and Christopher Crocker. “Introduction” by Madame Vigdís Finnbogadóttir, “Foreword” by Heather Alda Ireland, and “Afterword” by Elin Thordarson. Edited by Birna Bjarnadóttir and Gauti Kristmannsson. Winnipeg: KIND Publishing, 2014.

Originally published in Icelandic in 1930, this is a bilingual publication in English & Icelandic.
